Sunday 14 June 2020

Birthday Banoffee Cheesecake

There's little point in asking my husband what he wants to eat on his birthday, the answer is always the same - steak, and cheesecake. The query usually only extends to 'Where?' and 'What kind of cheesecake'.

Being that we are still in lockdown we couldn't go to his usual favourite, El Gaucho, for steak so I decided to push the boat out and order a prime rib from the Ginger Pig - a well known butcher in London. I first encountered the Ginger Pig on a trip to Borough Market with my dad, several years ago. We were both entranced by a large rib of beef. It was blackened with age I remember a woman stood next to us saying how it was disgusting that they could have mouldy meat on display and that they were going to give someone food poisoning. I can only assume it is people like her who are why when you get supermarket steak it is still bright red and bloody looking (sorry vegetarians)

 If I am honest I can't remember how good the steak we bought that day was, this was probably 8 or 9 years ago. But I do remember the overall quality of the meat on their stall every time I've been past it since so they were my first thought when trying to source something special to be delivered. So that was the steak sorted - 1.1kg of prime rib, or a Cote du Boef to give it it's French name, to share, because even he can't eat a whole one that size on his own. Though he'd give it a bloody good try.

Then there was the cheesecake. I have made a variety for him over the years and for a few years Apple Crumble Cheesecake was the favourite (one year morphing into Cherry Crumble). This year, however, a declaration was made that he wanted to combine two of his desserts of choice - and so Banoffee Cheesecake it was.

Wednesday 3 June 2020

Questioning some of my choices - happier with some than others. Apricot, honey and thyme tart.

A few days ago someone posted a picture of their peg board on Instagram. Sat in the corner of my spare room, neglected, was the very same peg board which I never got round to putting up. Inspired I thought "oh! I could put that up this weekend!".

Roll on Saturday and I take down the notice board I was going to replace the peg board with only to discover mould behind it. We live in a Victorian terrace, damp is a perennial issue, this was not a massive surprise.

What I should've done - got some bleach spray and cleaned it off and carried on with my day.

Sunday 24 May 2020

Socially distanced picnic with Semi-sourdough Yum Yums with a Salted Vanilla Glaze

Recently lockdown rules have changed in the UK, allowing people to meet up with a single friend or family member from another household as long as they stay outdoors and 2m apart. Of course many people were doing this anyway (and indeed I have seen some friends when dropping things off etc) but this has been limited a bit further by restrictions on travel. Now though you are also allowed to travel to take outdoor exercise meaning you can see people who live a bit further away.

Saturday 23 May 2020

Cooking in Lockdown and a return to blogging.

Peach and Nectarine Tart

Like many people, the current lockdown situation for me has it's definite pros and cons. On the one hand, I miss seeing my family terribly, I am itching to get back to my aerial hoop classes and sometimes I get sick of the inside of my house. On the other I have never had more time sew,  I've been exercising probably more than I ever have due to Zoom classes, and I get to have an extra 90 minutes (and then some) in bed every morning before I have to commute the 10 paces to my desk.